Katri Burri
Zurlindenstrasse 110
CH–8003 Zurich
T +41 44 251 65 26


Curriculum Vitae

  • 2003–2018: Curator of the documentary photography forum, CoalMine photo gallery, Winterthur, freelance picture editor and curator
  • Advisory board of the george foundation for photography, film and media art
  • Member of the jury for Euro Press Professional Awards (Fujifilm, 2003), The Selection vfg (1998), competition for Swiss female photographers (Frauenkongress, 1995)
  • Lecturer at the Paulus-Akademie Zurich (2005) and the Swiss School of Journalism (MAZ), Lucerne (1996–2002)
  • 1994–2002: Set up and headed the picture editing department at the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper
  • Editor (jointly with Thomas Maissen) of a book of photographs entitled “Bilder aus der Schweiz, 1939–1945” (Zurich 1997, Verlag NZZ, 2nd edition 1998) and of a book of photographs entitled “Sensationen vom Dorfe” (Zurich 1993, Limmat Verlag, 2nd edition 1994)
  • 1988–90: Photography and picture editing for the Swiss National Science Foundation’s “Schweizerische Festkultur” (Swiss festival culture) project, headed by Basil Schader
  • 1980–85: Travelled to Sudan (1980), Somalia (1984) and Kenya (1985) on UN and HEKS projects
  • 1977–93: Numerous contributions to newspapers in Switzerland and abroad as a freelance photographer
  • 1974–77: Studied photography at the Zurich School of Art and Design

Imprint: © All rights reserved. The copyright for all images remains with the named photographers. Any form of redistribution or reproduction is prohibited. You may not transmit or store any of the content in another website or any other form of electronic retrieval system without the prior written permission of Katri Burri or the named photographers. Responsible for the content of the website: Katri Burri. Design and code: Hannes Gloor. Cookies: This website uses cookies. You can deactivate cookies in your browser settings at any time, either in part or in full. If cookies are deactivated, you may no longer have access to all the functions of this website.